After the Marvel Masterpiece series, I got the call again! The mail actually...
This time for Upper Deck´s Iron Man 2 Movie sketch cards.

There were some different guidelines this time and I didn´t get the part that we could draw ANY Ironman related character (like Spidey!) so I went with as many armors, poses and IM villains as I could.

I tried to be more elaborate than with last time, inking all of my cards.

I slipped in a couple of my own designs for the Ironman Armors, I like to call them the "Praino Booster Armors" just for ego`s sake.

I tried to work with colors the way I knew worked from last time, I wasn´t too aware of the materials available to work on the cards, so I kept my same markers set from the Marvel Masterpiece cards. I´d eventually get better markers thanks to good recomendations by kick ass woman Anna Screamhorror.

The Black, white and grey cards are among my favorites, with the Black widow ones taking the prize for the extra red.
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